Positive Pay FAQs

Questions About Positive Pay

Your business can either manually enter issued checks or upload a file containing issued check data into the Positive Pay system. Checks presented for payment against your account are compared to those issued by the business. To avoid potential fraud, checks not on the issued checks list, or those that do not match the entered information, are sent to you as exceptions for examination. Authorized users then log into BeB to access the Positive Pay system, review the exceptions, and make a "pay" or "return" decision for each.

For additional fraud prevention, you also have the option to set up ACH authorization rules or filter blocks. Depending on your needs, you can choose to block specific ACH transactions to authorize only specific vendors to access your account.

The entire RBT branch network is covered by Positive Pay protection. Any checks presented to a teller in a branch are compared to your company's issued check file. Please refer to the Positive Pay agreement for information on how RBT handles over-the-counter exception items.

If you enroll in alerts for Positive Pay, you will receive notice by email if there are exceptions to be processed. As a best practice, RBT recommends logging in to BeB each morning to see if there are exceptions. 

The exception processing deadline is 11:00 AM for checks and 3:00 PM for ACH transactions.

To safeguard your account, exceptions not processed by the deadline will receive an automatic decision of "return".

Yes. Access will be given, by default, to the company administrator of BeB. The administrator can add additional authorized users with specific user permissions with access by account and by function.

Fixed length or delimited text files can be uploaded into the Positive Pay system.

Only 3 pieces of the check information are needed: Check Number; Issue Date; and Amount. The issued check file may contain additional information, such as the payee name, but that is not required.

The file must contain only checks, with the required information (check number, issue date, amount).

If a check is written after a file has been submitted, you can either send a new updated file or submit the check(s) using the Enter Issue option. This option will allow you to enter a single check or a series of checks without having to create and upload a new file.

There is a fee for Positive Pay service. Please ask for details.

To sign up for Positive Pay or any of our Cash Management services, please contact us at 800.640.1166 or visit any one of our branch offices.

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